Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Can We Afford The Change?

In the 2009-10 election cycle, we heard a lot about Change. The mantra promoted by the Democrat's candidate, now turned president, resounded with the idea that in Change came Hope.

Today, over 2 years later, we reflect on what Change has brought us as a nation, a individuals, and as business owners. Change has brought the continued bail-out (admittedly stated by the Bush Administration) of giants such as Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, AIG, JPMorgan-Chase, GM, etc. Wealth redistribution is the slogan being touted daily on the news, while the uncertainty of the healthcare law, commonly known as Obamacare, has the business world reeling to prepare for the changes necessary to comply. If your business is selected for pardon, so to speak, you can join the increasing number of unions, organizations, and friends of the president who will receive a pass from Obamacare.

Add to this domestic era of change a world erupting into chaos. The middle-east, over night, has become even more unstable than usual in the wave of rebellion and unrest. The sovereign state of Israel, the target of these nations for decades, has now been removed from the maps in Eygpt. Talk about preemptive change!

What does all this mean for you, your family, and your business?

- First, you must have a plan! I realize that this is a clique, but it is the truth. Are you ready to counter the uncertainty of change with effective change?

- Second, is your family or employees informed? Have you taken the time to establish your plan with them... Have you conveyed your vision in a way that they have bought into it or are you planning a one man show?

- Finally, understand that "Change for Change's sake is a recipe for disaster." This does not mean that change is not important or necessary. There must be a reason, plan, and goal for the change. Those involved in the change must buy-in to the change to ensure the successful implementation of the desired change. Simple to create change, without a real reason, will ultimately bring failure and could create a disastrous situation far worse than the one you hoped to change.

Business owners must remember to implement Corporate Triage when situations bring risk to their businesses, livelihood, and futures. The dictatorship of change will not allow you the freedom to implement and author the change you need. You can afford change if you are the author of the changes.

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