Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Small Steps and Giant Leaps

“Each baby step away from the government of our forefathers is giant leap away from the greatness that is America!” - Dr. Travis J Hedrick, 2009

That's one small step for man. One giant leap for mankind." Who can forget those historic words spoken on the surface of the moon nearly a half century ago? Today, these words continue to ring true for our nation.

America was founded on the ideals and principles that allow business owners to work hard to gain success. They also have the ability to fail. Sadly, today our government as well as the current and former administrations have taken it upon themselves to "bail-out" the companies they deem worthy and have allowed countless others fold. This bail-out mentality has destroyed the foundations that were set forth by our forefathers. These baby steps away from the government of our forefathers has begun to be giant leaps away from the purpose of America.

Businesses should seek to stand on their own principles and convictions. Do not seek the government handout when times get difficult, rather, seek to implement your contingency plan. Right planning now will protect your business and investments in all economic climates. Rather than leaping into the arms of Uncle Sam, begin taking your own steps to a better future for your business.

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